Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I Like Winter & Book Ideas Please!!

I like winter. There. I said it. That usually gets me funny looks in this state, but I do actually enjoy winter.

I did enjoy the winters in Michigan more, especially in Houghton when I was in college. I loved the snow totals (250+" per year) and it was almost always warm enough to go out and have fun. Here in Minnesota it's pretty easy to get a winter of brown grass and a week below 0. I know people don't believe me, but having snow on the ground really makes the cold more bearable.

One of the biggest reasons I like winter is that it gets dark earlier. I love going out and looking up at the stars and its a lot easier to do when its dark by 5:00pm instead of 10:30pm. It also gives me a chance to read, a lot, without feeling like I'm missing out by not being outside. I have a hard time justifying curling up on a couch with a book in summer around here.

Which leads to the second part of this post: what book recommendations do you have? Given the number of comments I've gotten on the first posts, I'm not exactly expecting the servers to get flooded with responses here, but I figured I'd thrown the question out.

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