Friday, December 5, 2014


I've wanted to create something like this but never have. Mostly because I didn't think anybody really cared what I had to say. Now, while I still doubt people really care what I have to say, I want to write something anyway.

Over the last few days I've had a few stories that I've wanted to share where Twitter just wasn't the right venue with it's character limit, I'm not on Facebook, and well, I needed some place to write so this looks good.

I'm not entirely sure where I'm going to go with this. There will probably be posts about politics/news since I follow that closely, sports teams I like, science (especially space related), books I'm reading, stories about things in my personal life that I think are interesting, and who knows what else.

Feel free to comment on something I write, I'm always up for conversation, discussion, and disagreement. Hearing different points of view and opinions is what helps us grow as people and either reaffirm what we believe or learn something new. Either way, it's a good thing. I won't tolerate a flame war or name calling.

It really comes down to a simple concept:
      Discussion and disagreement are good.
      Argument, playground bickering, "LALALA!!! I CAN'T HEAR YOU" are bad.

Also, since I'm still trying to figure out how I want the page to look, this seemed like a good post to write to get an idea of how the layout is going to work.

So here we go!


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