Saturday, September 26, 2015

Farewell Milwaukee and the New Century Theatre

What makes good music is a really subjective thing. It’s part of why there is so much music out there – tastes vary greatly. At the core though I think what makes music “great” is how well you can relate to it. Through the lyrics, melodies, chords progressions – how well does the artist create music that relates to you?

Last Friday, I had tickets with some friends to go see Farewell Milwaukee, a local band starting to get some more attention, at the New Century Theatre in Minneapolis. I’ve always enjoyed their music but in that space and the way they were playing that night it was incredible.

If you get the chance to check out the New Century Theatre, you should. It’s a smaller, black box style venue that really puts you right on top of the stage. It’s great for smaller shows and performances and I’m not sure there’s a bad seat in the house. They did a really good job building the place out.

If you get the chance to go see Farewell Milwaukee, jump on it. They have a new album that they announced that they were working on and played some of the songs that will be on it. Each song did a great job telling the story and it is really see to see how much fun those guys have playing and making music together.

Opening was Actual Wolf and Fathom Lane. Actual Wolf was there as a solo act and performed an entertaining set. I would have enjoyed him with a full band to hear some of his other music, but it was still a good set. Fathom Lane was a band I hadn’t heard of before and I really liked their music. It almost had a Decemberists style sound to it.

The takeaway though: Go check out music at the New Century Theatre and go check out Farewell Milwaukee – those guys should be going places.

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